Tuesday, 26 January 2010

More on Naked Tonight

There is more of Gok helping another woman feel fabulous tonight and little bit more of me too....

How to Look Good Naked With a Difference.

Channel 4, 8pm Tuesday 26 January.

Please sign our Naked petition



  1. If I was driving my car and saw either bus poster -I'd probably crash the car (especially if it was the one in the red swimsuit ! waaah....good lord you are beautiful) I think if you were not disabled you could well be a household name by now and I think you should be anyway. It's not at all too late. You still have it thats for sure so why would you be denied a regular opportunity to model/ act because of something that's not your fault & beyond your control ? Doesn't that seem really unfair?

    Now,-admittedly I don't really know you -but on TV, you as a person come across as being intelligent, confident & charming so what is "wrong " with you as such ? Why is the industry not recognising what you & other women in your situation can offer ? Your disability seems irrelevant in comparison to what you can bring to modelling assignments & it does not stop you from being attractive - because at the end of the day is that not what the requirements are for a model ?
    Where does it say physical beauty is defined as having nice eyes, great smile, skin, curves, etc AND must be able to walk, see, hear have four limbs etc.
    I guess it may depend on the product & whats in the script but I still can't see why you & other disabled people are not getting a lot more work in the industry.

    Anyway, you need to keep doing what your doing. You are in a great position to impact on peoples lives - irrespective of ability. You can make a positive difference to the way society views disability because at the moment, unfortunately I think the word still conjures up some negative images & connotations. Hopefully things can change....and quickly. Channel 5 & 4 in quick succession ? Nice one - Look forward to your next gig ! keep us posted. regards.

  2. Thank you Pete. Very generous words!
    Hope to have a great update for you next week...
